(Tottenham’s score shown first; match reports accessible by clicking on opponent’s name, where available)


Stevenage Borough



3 – 0

AFC Bournemouth


Premier League

0 – 0


Games on this day in Tottenham Hotspur’s history

TOTAL Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
2 1 1 0 3 0
Home  Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
0 0 0 0 0 0
Away  Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
2 1 1 0 3 0
Neutral Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
0 0 0 0 0 0
Biggest win on this day
3-0   Stevenage Borough  (Friendly) (Away)  2005
Biggest defeat on this day
Biggest score-line on this day
3-0   Stevenage Borough  (Friendly) (Away)  2005
Last win on this day
2005  3-0   Stevenage Borough  (Friendly) (Away)
Last draw on this day
2020  0-0  AFC Bournemouth  (Premier League) (Away)
Last defeat on this day

Teams we have played on this day

AFC Bournemouth 1
Stevenage Borough/Stevenage 1

Notable Dates

1883 Tommy Lunn, goalkeeper 1909-1913, born.

1918 Findlay Weir, half back 1912-1917, killed in action in the First World War in France.

1974 Dean Richards, centre half 2001-2005,  born.

2004 Sean Davis and Pedro Mendes, both midfielders, sign from Fulham and Porto.
Helder Postiga leaves Spurs to return to his old club Porto.

2005 First appearances for Wayne Routledge, Teemu Tainio, Aaron Lennon and Tom Huddlestone in this first pre-season friendly of the season.

2022 Tottenham sell winger Jack Clarke to Sunderland for a conditional fee that could reach £10 million.

Information gathered from “Spurs – A Day-To-Day Life” by Graham Betts, Spurs Handbooks,
“Spurs – A Complete Record” and “The Spurs Alphabet” both by Bob Goodwin and other sources.