Results (Tottenham’s score shown first)
(match reports accessible by clicking on opponent’s name, where available)


Games on this day in Tottenham Hotspur’s history

TOTAL Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
0 0 0 0 0 0
Away Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
0 0 0 0 0 0
Neutral Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
0 0 0 0 0 0
Biggest win on this day
–   –  (-)  (Home/Away)  19-
Biggest defeat on this day
–  – (-) (Home/Away)  19-
Biggest score-line on this day
–  –  (-)  (Home/Away)  19-
Last win on this day
–  (-) (Home/Away)
Last draw on this day
–  (-) (Home/Away)
Last defeat on this day
–  (-) (Home/Away)

Teams we have played on this day

Notable Dates

1915 Bert Sproston, full back 1938-1939, born.
1976 Terry Neill resigned as Spurs manager.  The reason was a disagreement with the Spurs directors on the Australian tour, but he soon took up a position at Arsenal in the manager’s post.
1991 Terry Venables and Alan Sugar’s takeover of the club was confirmed on this date.  The pair stumped up in excess of £7 million to take control from Irving Scholar.
1996 Terry Lee, goalkeeper 1973-1975, dies.

Information gathered from “Spurs – A Day-To-Day Life” by Graham Betts, Spurs Handbooks,
“Spurs – A Complete Record” and “The Spurs Alphabet” both by Bob Goodwin and other sources.