Results (Tottenham’s score shown first)
(match reports accessible by clicking on opponent’s name, where available)


Games on this day in Tottenham Hotspur’s history

TOTAL Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
Home Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
Away Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
Neutral Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
Biggest win on this day
–   –  (-)  (Home/Away)  20–
Biggest defeat on this day
–   –  (-)  (Home/Away)  20–
Biggest score-line on this day
–   –  (-)  (Home/Away)  20–
Last win on this day
20–   –   –  (-)  (Home/Away)
Last draw on this day
20–   –   –  (-)  (Home/Away)
Last defeat on this day
20–   –   –  (-)  (Home/Away)

Teams we have played on this day

Notable Dates

1875 Lycurgus Burrows, full back 1894-1898, born.
1877 John Joyce, goalkeeper 1909-1916, born.
1901 Harry Skitt, half back 1924-1931, born.
1917 George Skinner, inside forward 1940-1947, born.
1923 Harry Gilberg, forward 1941-1950, born.
1948 John Pratt, midfield 1969-1986 and assistant manager, born.
2008 Spurs announced the signing of Brazilian goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes form PSV Eindhoven.

Information gathered from “Spurs – A Day-To-Day Life” by Graham Betts, Spurs Handbooks,
“Spurs – A Complete Record” and “The Spurs Alphabet” both by Bob Goodwin and other sources.