Throughout the years, Tottenham have had magazines published containing articles, interviews and information about the club.  Here are but a few …


Spurs News Spurs Monthly
Spurs News was a newspaper format with articles and interviews on the club’s players and matches. 

Printed in black and white with a blue top banner with the name of the publication in it, Spurs News was first published in September 1983 and ran for 105 issues until May 1994.

More or less what it said on the label, Spurs Monthly was a monthly publication that contained all the things you would expect from a club product.  Interviews, Match Reports, Full page photos, News, Statistics, coverage of the Reserve, Youth and Ladies Teams and lots of adverts.

Launched in August 1994, it ran until July 2006 putting out 143 issues.

Started out as 46 pages for £2.00 and grew to 68 pages costing £2.95.

Following the demise of Spurs Monthly, a more contemporary magazine was launched in the shape of Hotspur.  Not too different in content from its predecessor, but with a more modern layout with a bigger price tag.  £3.45 for 68 pages.

The last issue of Hotspur went out in June 2013 – the 143rd issue, with the magazine going online for Members as part of the e-Hotspur package.


The club didn’t have a monopoly on publishing magazines and the Spurs Supporters Club had their own that preceded the club’s entry into the market …


The Lilywhite Team
The original Lilywhite magazine – The Official Organ of the Spurs Supporters Club – ran from around 1948 to 1964.
It contained (as described on the cover) action photos, gossip, match reports and club news.
The Lilywhite was incorporated into Team magazine (The Journal of the Spurs Supporters Club) that was published from 1964 until the late 1960s, with the content being similar to the magazine that went before, but with more input from contributors and with pieces on current issues (including Hooliganism in this issue above from 1976).
The Lilywhite Spurs Review
Resurfacing as a shorter, squarer format magazine, The Lilywhite was published by the Spurs Supporters Club as their Journal.  The first issue hit the streets in December 1970.

Contributors included Brian Shadbolt, Nigel Ive, Maureen Allen, Peter Jay, Les Yates, Harry Harris, Peter J. Edwards and Brian Judson.

Originally 9 new pence for 12 pages, by 1974, the price of the magazine had risen to 10p.

In the months leading up to the relaunch of The Lilywhite, the Spurs Supporters Club were issuing a magazine called Spurs Review (which incorporated The Lilywhite) with copies of the monthly Football Pictorial magazine sold towards the end of 1970.  From issue 1 of the Lilywhite, it appears that a certain number of copies had to be bought and sales were not meeting the number ordered.

… And it wasn’t only the Spurs Supporters Club who produced a publication, with our fans abroad getting their own magazine printed  …

Tottenham Supporteren
It wasn’t just the UK Spurs Supporters Club who had their own ‘organ’.

The Scandinavian Spurs Supporters Club produced a packed magazine called “Tottenham Supporteren”, which contained articles, match reports and club and Supporters Club news.  The well produced 64 page mag for the club’s members was fanzine sized and was printed in Swedish.  The content was mostly written by Terje Flateby and Pal Karlsen, with members and guest writers also contributing.


Any details of other Spurs magazines we are not aware of or further information on those featured would be welcomed.
If you would like to contact us on we will add it to the page.  Thanks.